Tokopedia - #MulaiAjaDulu


Year: 2018

Studio 1212 was appointed to create a digital activation to support 2 phases of Tokopedia's 2018 #MulaiAjaDulu campaign, a long-year campaign divided into 3 phases that aims to encourage everyone to start working on their new year's resolution that begins at Tokopedia as a marketplace.

#MulaiAjaDulu - Sivia Azizah Kembali Bermusik bareng Ben Sihombing

Studio 1212 created the activation’s concept, storylines and produced a 10 part video-series featuring Tokopedia's social media influencers.The digital activation integrated the influencer’s social media and Tokopedia's Youtube channel to convey the #GakAdaAlasan and #KebutResolusiLo phase message. 

#AyoKebut - Kallula Punya Kostum Baru untuk Manggung

Studio 1212 worked closely with each influencer to create connecting storylines that retained their unique identity while delivering the campaign message. Each story encouraged influencers to genuinely share or learn a new skill, creating an authentic viewing experience for the audience.

#MulaiAjaDulu - Reza Chandika dan Sivia Azizah Mau Bikin Pameran Gambar

In order to avoid hard-selling, a seamless product insertion is done. Products were inserted in a form of a surprise gift at #GakAdaAlasan to aid individuals in scraping their excuses and start pursuing their goals. While products in #KebutResolusiLo can be natively found throughout the video so individuals can speed up the process of achieving their goals.

Still Frames
Still Frames
Still Frames
Still Frames
Still Frames
  • Forced From Home
  • Fight The Power
  • There Is Nothing So Stable As Change
  • Daydreaming
  • What Means The World To You
  • Polka Dots And Moonbeams
  • Things In Life
  • For The Good Times